After Tony, the owner of XYZ Cleaners, accidentally starts a fire, XYZ Cleaners burns to the ground, taking all the garments with it. Afterwards, Tony has to rent a new building and purchase new equipment and supplies. He is also responsible for all the clothing that was in his care. Which type of coverage in his commercial property policy could help Tony with the cost of paying for his customers' destroyed clothing?
After Tony, the owner of XYZ Cleaners, accidentally starts a fire, XYZ Cleaners burns to the ground, taking all the garments with it. Afterwards, Tony has to rent a new building and purchase new equipment and supplies. He is also responsible for all the clothing that was in his care. Which type of coverage in his commercial property policy could help Tony with the cost of paying for his customers' destroyed clothing?
Answer: Legal Liability Coverage. The Legal Liability Coverage Form provides insurance protection against negligent damage to the personal property of others while in the insured's care or on the insured's premises.
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